The Batavia spent the day at Meulaboh today. They are currently unloading supplies sent by Aceh Kita and Kontras - clothing, baby supplies, women's apparel, etc. They are also unloading body bags supplied by Rolls Royce and the British High Commission. They are loading onto the Batavia medical supplies and tools.

Rick and Jane made an arial survey of the west coast from Meulaboh through to Calang and about fifty kilometres north of Calang to the village of Lho Kruet. This area is completely inaccessible by road and the only access is via air or by sea. They will be sending arial photographs which will be posted as soon as they are available.

Rick and Jane went in a helicopter provided by Obor Berkat Indonesia, who have been servicing the small villages along the coast by flying in supplies with it and a small seaplane 100-200kg at a time. These villages are in crisis - there is no coordination, and no one staying on the ground to help. There is no integral process to try and understand what people need - mainly just aid drops, so there is a lot of waste, and a huge lack of coordination. There is not any feedback from the villages themselves, and there is a lot of suffering. This is what the Sea Bridge was set up to do, and tomorrow, once the mothership is loaded, they will be headed directly to these areas to see what assistance they can give. This is really when the Electric Lamb Mission starts its core work.

Obor Berkat Indonesia is shaping up to be a central partner in this work as they have identified the Electric Lamb Mission as central to reaching those who have not been able to get to the IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) Camps, and who urgently need aid and support.

The Batavia will stay out in the field as long as possible - until all aid is used up. They will attempt to access as many villages along the west coast as possible, and provide them with relief and medical support.
Volunteers who will be entering or leaving the mothership will do so either through road to Medan or Banda Aceh, or via seaplane/helicopter to one of those two towns.
More information as we receive it ...
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