Seismologists are in general agreement that there will be further major events as the fault adjusts in a southerly direction, the question is "when" and not "if".
We propose to work with a basket of NGOs and Agencies, so that the cost of funding Batavia can be spread among many over the months ahead. NGOs and Agencies will benefit by having access to a regular resupply/staff rotation service. Land based poskos in remote locations will become more feasible and less dependent on air support.

AIM: To keep BATAVIA in readiness for anticipated major seismic events while continuing to service areas already supported.
SCHEDULE: Regular trips from Padang/Sibolga to BA and back with loading each port every 10-14 days.
PROGRAM: Batavia will stop for distribution/medical support in all the areas we have identified as being too remote for mainstream aid to reach. We want to maintain contact with the communities we have supported in the past and help new areas as we identify them. As far as possible we want to work with smaller boats & to resupply them to extend outreach more efficiently.
SUPPORT: In addition to health clinics, our multitalented volunteers will work with local communities to implement:
- Water supply and sanitation needs.
- Vector control for Malaria and Dengue as well as residual spraying of tents & buildings.
- Fisheries rehabilitation and boat repair or new building.
- Bagan (fish platform) rehabilitation and new building.
- Education - supplementary activities, support and sports
- Shelter initiatives during the lead time needed for permanent housing to be completed.
- livelihood initiatives to restart agriculture and mariculture
- technical and trades support for reconstruction efforts
BUDGET: Assuming current costs:
A pool of 5 donors could contribute $20,000 per month each
A pool of 10 donors could contribute $10,000 per month each
A pool of 20 donors could contribute $ 5,000 per month each
Or a mix of the above. Considering that a single mission by a heavy lift chopper can cost US$10,000 we can possibly save some organizations a substantial amount.
Each donor to support supply of appropriate aid materials for loading according to the schedule. Direct donations to ELM will be sought to contribute towards capital items or specific mini-projects.
Universities will be approached on the basis of donations to secure space for participating student volunteers seeking field experience in aid work.
We are in negotiation with funders to secure the purchase and upgrade of the Batavia and if successful a substantial saving will be realized.
Contact us and lets work out the best way to support your NGO's ability to support remote communities.
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