07-07-2005 13-07-2005
School Supplies
Joel & Vincent
This document reports about school stuff and sport equipment supply. The goal was to support around 300 pupils with school kits and sport equipments.
The village of Taileleu was chosen during the trip according to the timing, the necessary introduction of mission members actions and schools accessibility. This village is located on the south of Siberut Island, Mentawai archipelago, part of Sumatra.
School Material
School Material

Sports Equipment
Total budget
Rp 3,311,700
Government Elementary school No 11 (sekolah dasar Negeri nomor 11)

KinderGarten (Taman Kanak-Kanak Filadelphia)

The School kits
Depending on school description and school stuff list, we worked together with the teachers to suggest kit versus pupil level.
Kinder garten
Stupplies per pupils
1 drawing book 1 buku gambar
1 school 1 buku tulis
2 black pencil 2 pensil
1 color pencil box 1 pensil warna
1 eraser 1 penghapus
Level 1 to 3
Stupplies per pupils
1 drawing book 1 buku gambar
1 school book 1 buku tulis
2 black pencil 2 pensil
2 black pen 2 pena
1 color pencil box 1 pensil warna
1 eraser 1 penghapus
1 sharpener 1 Peruncing
Level 4 to 6
Stupplies per pupils
2 school book 2 buku tulis
2 black pencil 2 pensil
2 black pen 2 pena
1 eraser 1 penghapus
1 sharpener 1 penghapus
The deliveries
By the way, a set of photocopy Booklets was given to teachers. These ones explained the risk liked to a futur tsunami or earthquake, and first emergency actions to do in case of.

List of stuff supply for Government Elementary school n 11
(sekolah dasar Negeri nr 11)

List of stuff supply for Kinder Garten
(Taman Kanak-Kanak Filadelphia)

Tips for a similar mission
Before leaving
Prepared to the fact that time is necessary to be introduced in Mentawai (Indonesia in general) and then villages. This means that during the mission, some days will be spend on the boat waiting for authorization and Indonesian facilitator actions.
Try to define the number of villages, schools, pupils expected to be supplied, and take into account ;
Bring long plastic cover and bags in order to protect or carry the school stuff in case of tropical rain.
During the trip
Before delivering stuff, following facilitator observations and actions, establish the contact with the teachers, head masters of the schools.
Discuss together about their needs, their means and then suggest or define school and sport kit versus pupils number.
If Pupils in holiday, ask for a maximum of teachers, directors, parents to be there for the delivery day. The goal is to avoid use of supplied stuff for private sale.
Define appointment with a lot of time between each school deliveries : transport conditions, photos, thanks and counting will spend time… .
During deliveries, don’t forget to take picture of school building and then delivered stuff with teachers team, parents, ... .
Ask for a receipt.
Suggestion of delivering schools of Malilimo (south Siberut island, Mentawai)
Even if this village is not an isolated one, it could be a good start for school supply in order to appreciate the way of delivering stuff. The bay in front of the village is really protected from rough sea and the access to the schools is quite easy from the beach (about 400 m, easy with a sidecar).
School description

Government Elementary school n 04 (sekolah dasar Negeri nr 04)
2 volley ball fields
Extra action Ideas : Kite workshop in village or school for kids ;
With a really small budget, it’s possible to provide plastic coated rolls, reels of fishing line and scissorsin order to build kites. The frame of the kite will be done with light piece of wood.

Rp 3,311,700
The formal announcement
Time was necessary to explain to the locals the mission and the actions.
This point is very important point to understand as it doesn’t fit with westerner way of thinking. Ali, Putra and Aju the Indonesian of the mission explained the aim of the team actions, medical check and school stuff supply. This took about one day, meaning that we were waiting on the boat.
As this type of action from the Electric Lamb foundation was the first in the Mentawai, one more day was previously spent at Tua Pejat Harbour to obtain the authorization of sailing in Mentawai area. The third day, we met the teachers of the three schools of Taileleu. Leny, the local Surf Aid representant help us in translation. Conversations permitted to define the number of pupils per level, to produce the school kit target and then to plan appointment for the deliveries.
In order to avoid corruption, we asked for a maximum of school representant for each delivery.
Initially, it was expected to give the kit to the pupils themselves but they were in holiday.
Time was necessary to explain to the locals the mission and the actions.
This point is very important point to understand as it doesn’t fit with westerner way of thinking. Ali, Putra and Aju the Indonesian of the mission explained the aim of the team actions, medical check and school stuff supply. This took about one day, meaning that we were waiting on the boat.
As this type of action from the Electric Lamb foundation was the first in the Mentawai, one more day was previously spent at Tua Pejat Harbour to obtain the authorization of sailing in Mentawai area. The third day, we met the teachers of the three schools of Taileleu. Leny, the local Surf Aid representant help us in translation. Conversations permitted to define the number of pupils per level, to produce the school kit target and then to plan appointment for the deliveries.
In order to avoid corruption, we asked for a maximum of school representant for each delivery.
Initially, it was expected to give the kit to the pupils themselves but they were in holiday.
Schools description
Government Elementary school n 14 (sekolah dasar Negeri nomor 14)

KinderGarten (Taman Kanak-Kanak Filadelphia)

The School kits
Depending on school description and school stuff list, we worked together with the teachers to suggest kit versus pupil level.
Kinder garten
Stupplies per pupils
1 drawing book 1 buku gambar
1 school 1 buku tulis
2 black pencil 2 pensil
1 color pencil box 1 pensil warna
1 eraser 1 penghapus
Level 1 to 3
Stupplies per pupils
1 drawing book 1 buku gambar
1 school book 1 buku tulis
2 black pencil 2 pensil
2 black pen 2 pena
1 color pencil box 1 pensil warna
1 eraser 1 penghapus
1 sharpener 1 Peruncing
Level 4 to 6
Stupplies per pupils
2 school book 2 buku tulis
2 black pencil 2 pensil
2 black pen 2 pena
1 eraser 1 penghapus
1 sharpener 1 penghapus
The deliveries
Based on these kits suggested, we had to manage the losses and the extra. We supplied the following lists to the three schools the forth day after. We lost some school books during the transport from the boat Electric Lamb to the beach. Four packs of 10 books each were wet because of the salt water on the floor, one packs of 12 black pencils disappeared.
Initially, we planned to spend one hour in each schools. This timing was based in our “westerner reference”. One more time, time is different in Indonesia and the way to communicate also. We learned that it is very important to respect this. Never forget to apology even if you bring something.
By the way, a set of photocopy Booklets was given to teachers. These ones explained the risk liked to a futur tsunami or earthquake, and first emergency actions to do in case of.
List of supplies for Government Elementary school n 14
(sekolah dasar Negeri nr 14)
(sekolah dasar Negeri nr 14)

List of stuff supply for Government Elementary school n 11
(sekolah dasar Negeri nr 11)

List of stuff supply for Kinder Garten
(Taman Kanak-Kanak Filadelphia)

Tips for a similar mission
Before leaving
Prepared to the fact that time is necessary to be introduced in Mentawai (Indonesia in general) and then villages. This means that during the mission, some days will be spend on the boat waiting for authorization and Indonesian facilitator actions.
Try to define the number of villages, schools, pupils expected to be supplied, and take into account ;
- the previous observation
- the sailing conditions, impossible stay with sailboat due to rough sea in open bay to ocean (prepare workaround trip)…
- accessibility of schools : inland, road or track, transport opportunities and budget,…
- Don’t forget to inform the captain
Bring long plastic cover and bags in order to protect or carry the school stuff in case of tropical rain.
During the trip
Before delivering stuff, following facilitator observations and actions, establish the contact with the teachers, head masters of the schools.
Discuss together about their needs, their means and then suggest or define school and sport kit versus pupils number.
If Pupils in holiday, ask for a maximum of teachers, directors, parents to be there for the delivery day. The goal is to avoid use of supplied stuff for private sale.
Define appointment with a lot of time between each school deliveries : transport conditions, photos, thanks and counting will spend time… .
During deliveries, don’t forget to take picture of school building and then delivered stuff with teachers team, parents, ... .
Ask for a receipt.
Suggestion of delivering schools of Malilimo (south Siberut island, Mentawai)
Even if this village is not an isolated one, it could be a good start for school supply in order to appreciate the way of delivering stuff. The bay in front of the village is really protected from rough sea and the access to the schools is quite easy from the beach (about 400 m, easy with a sidecar).
School description
KinderGarten (Taman Kanak-Kanak)

Government Elementary school n 04 (sekolah dasar Negeri nr 04)

Extra action Ideas : Kite workshop in village or school for kids ;
With a really small budget, it’s possible to provide plastic coated rolls, reels of fishing line and scissorsin order to build kites. The frame of the kite will be done with light piece of wood.

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