The cost of materials for this project was $50-70 USD which was all inclusive. The Council for Advancing Student Leadership sponsored event drew in a huge crowd with their donations going towards scholarship grants recognizing student leaders in the campus.
UVI’s purpose in entering the Regatta was to draw a correlation to the fishing situation in the Tsunami ravaged Indonesia. The same price of $50-$70 USD will buy an Indonesian man one 15-20ft fishing boat and allow him to feed his entire family and maybe 2-3 others for the rest of their lives. After the Tsunami literally all of the small fishing boats were destroyed and a handful of 50 foot floating fishing platforms were the only ones left in the Lho Kruet and Pulu Raya areas of Aceh where 90+ had been operational before. This is how the people managed to feed themselves and now, almost a year later; the situation is still the same…dire.
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