South Africa's SwellGuys on-line Feature Story

As the 2nd aniversary of the Great Tsunami approaches, one of South Africas most inovative Surf E-Zines has run a full length feature story on Island Aid's work. The artistic effort that went into the feature story is extraordinary.... thanks guys!
....."Just mention the word tsunami and most people’s thoughts turn to Boxing Day 2004. On that day at 07:58:53 local time, an earthquake occurred with it’s epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia - the reading? 9.2 on the Richter scale....
The rest of the facts could easily be mistaken for a modern day Hollywood blockbuster. This was the second largest earthquake recorded on a seismograph ever. I’m sure I don’t have to paint any sort of picture but turn your thoughts to the people of Indonesia, particularly those in Sumatra who were in the direct path of the tsunami. The media made sure the news was received worldwide.
The rest of the facts could easily be mistaken for a modern day Hollywood blockbuster. This was the second largest earthquake recorded on a seismograph ever. I’m sure I don’t have to paint any sort of picture but turn your thoughts to the people of Indonesia, particularly those in Sumatra who were in the direct path of the tsunami. The media made sure the news was received worldwide.
Tragedy is big news and this event received it’s fair share of coverage. Don’t get me wrong, the media has a role to play and in between all the negativity they sensationalise, there is still a lot of positive to be found. Without the intense coverage and as much graphic detail that seems to be the big selling point these days, there may very well have been much less assistance offered. So what exactly am I trying to say?
I’m trying to say that it’s two years later and the story is all but forgotten. As easy as it’s been for the rest of us to move on with our lives, there are those individuals who have found it as easy to dedicate their lives to helping the people of Indonesia put the pieces of their lives back together"...... more at
I’m trying to say that it’s two years later and the story is all but forgotten. As easy as it’s been for the rest of us to move on with our lives, there are those individuals who have found it as easy to dedicate their lives to helping the people of Indonesia put the pieces of their lives back together"...... more at
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