Fishermen Helping Fishermen
Electric Lamb Mission Receives Much Needed Boost from Local Co-operative

Jane's fishing camp on Post Office Is, Abrolhos Island Group just
over 40nm off the coast of West Australia. Jane lives on this tiny
coral patch for 3-4 months every year.
GFC fisherman and shareholder Jane Liddon, together with her partner Rick Cameron, are coordinating tsunami relief efforts in Western Aceh. Jane and Rick were running their surf charter business in Sumatra when the tsunami struck. Known as the Electric Lamb Mission (named after their charter boat), Jane and Rick are now operating a 200 foot ship called the Batavia, gaining access to isolated parts of the coast line which are inaccessible by road and fixed wing aircraft. The ELM now has a team of medical and general volunteers providing much needed assistance to small fishing communities that few other groups are reaching.
Fishermen and staff of the Geraldton Fishermen's Co-operative have donated over $12,000 to assist Jane, Rick and the Electric Lamb Mission continue their work. The Geraldton-Greenough branch of Rotary has formally adopted the ELM project, which has received Rotary Australia endorsement. Importantly, 100% of donations will be directed to the ELM: there are no hefty administration fees.
Donations and volunteer relief workers are still needed to ensure the continuation of this unique, grass roots mission.
John Fitzhardinge (GFC Director): “Australian's have been exceedingly generous so far towards the survivors of the tsunami. However, many have valid concerns about whether the money is really getting through to where it is needed. Jane and Rick have provided a rare opportunity to ensure that donations will get through to isolated fishing communities. They know the people and speak the language, and are providing precisely the kind of assistance that is required.”
Jane Liddon (ELM founding member, Geraldton fisherman): “We are reaching people in remote fishing communities where few other relief agencies go. The need for assistance will not diminish for many months. It is important that we continue our work in Aceh, and for that we need ongoing support. We are very grateful to the fishermen and staff of the Geraldton Fishermen's Co-operative for their generous donations.”
Media Contacts
Wayne Hosking
General Manager
Geraldton Fishermen's Co-operative
9965 9035
Jane Liddon
Dog Rock Pearls Ltd
0428 381 275
NB: Call Jane after 6pm or leave a message
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