Wolfgang visited Padang on Friday and we discussed ship options and also recent orders for PE moulded boats for Aceh and Nias as fishing/transport boats. (Wolfgang is manager of PT Polytech in Jakarta, the manufacturer of our PE beach landing skiffs). Both of us have been thinking about a moulded PE fishing boat that can be paddled, powered with a small outboard or sailed.
A mini fishing platform for coastal fisheries recently devastated by the tsunami. The boat must be very low cost so the weight of materials is the most important consideration. Proas are the most efficient design on earth when comparing seaworthness, stability and weight of material used. This design was donated by Joe Henry to become a protype for a new fishing boat design for mass production. The design will have to be scalled up to about 7 meters and a single skin mould developed but moulding in PE could produce a very light and durable craft at a very low cost.
The sail will need some development so it can double as a canopy for shade when at anchor or on calm hot days.
Thanks Joe! We will try building one to your plans first and then decide on modifications
for village use.
For a large image click: at_the_dock_large.jpg
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