Matthew Flinders support will help us continue our work
Dear Chris,
I'm a student at Matthew Flinders, Mr Barlow asked me, as multicultural captain, to send you a little report about what our coin race involved. He should be sending photos, hopefully.
The global and national response that the tsunami generated in support for affected areas was phenomenal, money poured out of pockets immediately, and yet it is unfortunate that more is needed. As a school we felt that our funds would be better directed towards a specific area; and that would be in assisting a school.
To get people actively involved in this fundraiser we put together a coin race, an event that had been successful in a previous year to raise money for East Timor. In their form groups the girls collected as much money as they could before the day of the race. The idea was that they would line up their coins and the class with the longest line would win. Incentive being of course that all money raised would be going to a more than worthy cause as the girls were eager to have a hand in helping out.
With entertainment provided over the lunchtime race by the school band Sweethearts the coins were lined up and the winning class was 8E with 53.26 metres. Altogether more than $1300 was raised. We thank the school for their generosity and hope that the money raised will help support the work that is being done by Electric Lamb in schools.
Andrea Warren
Multicultural Captain
Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College Geelong.
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