have been providing support for Mentawai communities for over 5 years.
Soon after the 2004 tsunami, the organization sent a team to Nias to assist and they returned after the March 28th quake. The organization is primarily focused on assisting Mentawai communities but they are free to apply their skills and experience anywhere in Indonesia or the region.
On the 6th of March 2006, Island Aid and Kirekat signed a partnership agreement that covers all future projects in the Mentawai Islands. Island Aid and Kirekat will organize joint missions to the West Coast islands. Kirekat staff have an intimate knowledge of the issues that are most important in the Mentawais. Island Aid have the ability to apply the experience gained in Aceh and Nias and to back up joint missions with our considerable resources and international network. Each organization will remain autonomous and budgets for joint missions will be determined by consultation and approved on a case by case basis.
Kirekat's board brings considerable academic experience and the benefits of many years of intensive research to guide the organization. Prof. Dr. Reimar Schefold is widely respected as the world's leading authority on the anthropology of the Mentawais.
Pak Yudas receives the first boxes of mixed medical supplies at Island Aid headquarters in Padang.(KIREKAT FOUNDATION OF INDONESIA)
The Foundation Establishment
The life of Mentawai people. Mentawai archipelago is located 82 miles west of Sumatera island. Mentawai is one of several Districts in West Sumatera Province. Vegetations and animals in Mentawai evolved distinctively from those in the mainland of Sumatera. Mentawai has four typical kinds of monkeys which are not found in other parts of the world. They are only found in Mentawai. Siberut island, the largest island in Mentawai, is still covered by dense tropical rainforest divided by some rivers.
People in remote areas of Siberut still maintain their traditional ways of life such as traditional healing performed by “Kerei.” Through a healing ritual, the Kerei (shaman) is able to communicate with deceased ancestors, spirits and souls. Illness is considered being a disturbance between human beings and their spiritual environment. Healing means restoring the relationship harmony by guiding the strayed and wandering soul back to its body. Kerei is also knowledgeable about various herbal plants used for healing.
Some basic needs of Mentawai people are fulfilled by their surroundings. People plant coconuts along the river banks and they also grow sago palm in swamp areas. Sago flour is a staple food and is still processed traditionally. Each household has a farm in which various food crops, such as cassava, banana and other plants providing their basic needs, are grown. Some villagers also cultivate and work on small rice fields. Besides, they catch fish from rivers or seas and male villagers generally hunt for deer, monkeys, boars and other wild animals in the jungle.
Kirekat Foundation of Indonesia. The establishment of Yayasan Kirekat was initiated by the founding of “Board Kirekat The Netherlands” in January 2000 which aims to collect funds and contributions in order to improve the independent social life of every group of people in Indonesia in general and Mentawai people in particular. To facilitate its activities in Indonesia, Board Kirekat The Netherlands, with the initiative of Mr. Aurelius Yan, MA, a gentleman from Mentawai residing in Netherlands, along with several prominent figures of Mentawai, established “Yayasan Kirekat Indonesia” (Kirekat Foundation of Indonesia) in March 2001.
“Kirekat” term derives from Mentawai language meaning footprints and handprints of deceased ancestors which are carved onto the wall of house to keep them always in mind. This term is adopted by Yayasan Kirekat to show its ideals to develop social-cultural life of Mentawai by employing an approach suitable with the culture supporting the efforts to improve the development and living conditions of the indigenous population of the Mentawai archipelago.
Kirekat's Dr Yulinda and assistant Rosi sorting medical supplies yesterday.BOARD KIREKAT THE NETHERLANDS
The Board :